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Fr. James McGuinn, Parochial Administrator
Msgr. Stephen P. McHenry, Pastor Emeritus
Fr. Michael Saban, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. David E. Jones, Permanent Deacon
Rev. Mr. Kevin Gentilcore, Permanent Deacon
Rev. Mr. Michael Cuff, Permanent Deacon
Barbara B. Daly, Pastoral Associate
Director of Religious Education 215-656-6150 x2
Rebeca Perez, Director of Family, Youth and Hispanic Ministry
Christy Cincotta, Director of Preschool and Child Care
George Moroney, Liturgy & Worship
Chamaine Duerr, Parish Secretary
Liane Decker, Business Manager
Wendy Newdeck, Administrative Assistant
Oleg Berezovski, Facilities Manager
Office Hours:
Monday Through Friday
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM