Baptism gives a person entrèe into the Christian community. In Baptism, the “one Spirit” makes us members of the Body of Christ and one another. At our Baptism we are washed clean of original sin and along with the other Sacraments of Initiation – Eucharist and Confirmation – given entrèe into the fullness of Christian life.

Baptism’s are celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Parents must attend Pre-Jordan class to help prepare for their child’s Baptism and the classes take place monthly in the Holy Child cry room. Please call the Parish Center 215-646-4742 to register for a Pre-Jordan class and to schedule a Baptism date.

Baptism Checklist

Saint Anthony of Padua Parish

 1. Selecting your child’s Godparents:

The Godparents will need to contact their own Catholic Church’s Parish Office to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility to be a Godparent for your child. This means the parish in which the Godparents currently worship, not where they were raised and received their sacraments. This should be sent to St. Anthony’s a minimum of two weeks prior to the Baptism.

This Certificate of Eligibility ensures that the Sponsor:

  • Is at least 16 years of age.
  • Has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
  • If married, that the Catholic Church validly recognizes the marriage.
  • Attends Mass regularly on Sundays and Holy Days and receives the Sacrament of Eucharist regularly.

The St. Anthony’s Certificate of Eligibility further confirms that the Sponsor “promises to be a support and example to the child in the effort to live a Catholic life that reflects the teaching of the Church”.

The Godparent/Sponsor cannot be the candidate’s parent. Each child requires only one Godparent. If you wish to have 2 Godparents, there must be one female and one male. As long as one Godparent is Catholic, the other godparent can be a practicing Christian and can stand as a “Christian Witness.”  They will also need a letter from their church.

2. Scheduling your child’s Baptism:

Please call the Parish Office to schedule the Baptism. Baptisms take place on the first and third Sundays of each month. At that time, you will complete the Baptism Registration Form, schedule the date of the Baptism, and select the date for the Baptism Prep Class.

3. Attending the Baptism Prep Class:

Both parents must attend a Baptism Prep Class prior to their child’s Baptism. The class is held on the third Thursday of each month at 7 PM in the Church. The class may be waived if both parents recently attended a Baptism Prep Class for the Baptism of one of their other children.

4. The day of Your Child’s Baptism:

Baptisms are held in the main church at 12:00 Noon. Please arrive by 11:45 AM. St. Anthony’s schedules a maximum of four families for each Baptism.